Well I have been putting this off as I am just not too sure where to start but here goes my first official blog since I bought Yopie’s Store 9 months ago now.
One of my columns will be on the Things we love at Yopie’s Store … so I thought why not start with the Things I love most in this world – my family.
Firstly of course, my husband, William – my go to guy, my rock, my biggest supporter and of course the most amazing Dad, and to top it off he’s Irish. We have had a whirlwind few years, with a move from the UK back to my home country, and the introduction of two little tuckers to our family since we got married in April 2011. I will be the first to say babies and toddlers are a far cry from our life before – jet setting around the UK and Europe, footloose and fancy free but it is a blessing that I would not change for the world. All those sleepless nights, arguments over who will change the nappy so I can get an extra five minutes with my eyes closed before feed time, dirty laundry, and sitting down on the couch and being dug in the backside with a plastic screw driver from my sons toolkit is all totally 120% worth it and I wouldn’t have wanted to do it with anyone else.
Then to my gorgeous little man, Larry James – he entered the world at lightning speed 8.5 weeks early, and he pretty much hasn’t stopped since. He is our little mad dog, a precious little boy, with such a big heart, full of character and my little wingman – the perfect match to our family. Even though you are still so little, I feel like I can already see who you are going to become. You are going to be such a kind, sweet and gentle hearted little boy. He is your typical little man loves hammering at the walls, climbing on tables, eating dirt, rough and tumble and wearing Dad’s hard hat around the house but most of all he has the cutest little nature, he loves being around people, waving at everyone in the street saying bye bye dear, giving plenty of kisses and cuddles to his parents and baby sister (I will get as many as I can now) and he has bought us an unexplainable amount of joy in his 2 years already (man that time has gone quickly). We heard a saying once “from little acorns great oaks grow” – and you my little man are living proof of that, you are a mischievous wee thing but I am head over heels in love with you little fella – dang you are cute.
Then to my scrummy little girl, Orla Garland – she was not in so much of a hurry being born two days overdue and she has pretty much stayed that way since too, she is such a chilled out little darling but she captured our hearts just as quick as little Larry did. She has the biggest smile you could ever imagine, she smiles with her whole face and it just melts your heart. I try desperately at night to not talk to her in those midnight feeds but when she is just beaming and babbling I just can’t resist. I saw somewhere once that they call them the “gateway baby” – a baby so sweet, so happy, so easy that they make us want to have a million more like them. How are you nearly 5 months old already? We are so pleased you are part of our family and you too are the perfect match. I am taking in every minute of this newborn stage her sweet baby smell, your little coos, your whole body smiles, your little leg rolls – you are our little happy feet.
Love is an amazing thing. Just when you think your heart is full, it grows and you instantly can love another like you have loved them your whole life.
To William, Larry and Orla you make my whole world go round and I love you.
Philippa x